
Once upon a time, the Kielmeyera plant embarked on an incredible journey. With its vibrant yellow flowers and sharp thorns, it caught the attention of explorers seeking rare plants. Legend has it that this fascinating plant possessed mystical healing properties. The brave explorers faced treacherous terrains and encountered mythical creatures. Finally, they found the Kielmeyera thriving in an enchanted forest. Ecstatic, they carefully collected its precious seeds, ensuring its preservation. The Kielmeyera’s unparalleled charm and its role in this thrilling adventure have captivated botanists worldwide, leaving an enduring legacy in the world of plants.



Plant some seeds now!

Light blue columbine

White Marigold

Pink Tall Cosmos

Short Description

Kielmeyera is a plant genus in the family Calophyllaceae. It is endemic to South America, with a large occurrence in the Brazilian cerrados.

Species include:

Kielmeyera coriacea
Kielmeyera microphylla
Kielmeyera neglecta
Kielmeyera neriifolia
Kielmeyera peruviana
Kielmeyera reticulata
Kielmeyera rubriflora
Kielmeyera speciosa
Kielmeyera variabilis

External links


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