
Once upon a time, plant Hopea embarked on an extraordinary journey. With its roots firmly anchored in the ground, it nurtured a dream of blooming in the low-light forest. Despite challenges, it persevered, embracing its unique qualities – delicate leaves and exquisite flowers. As time passed, an enlightened gardener discovered its beauty and shared it with the world. Hopea’s story inspires us to believe in our dreams, adapt to adversity, and blossom in the unlikeliest of circumstances.



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Short Description

Hopea is a genus of plants in the family Dipterocarpaceae. It contains some 113 species, distributed from Sri Lanka and southern India to the Andaman Islands, Myanmar, southern China, and southward throughout Malesia to New Guinea. They are mainly main and subcanopy trees of lowland rainforest, but some species can become also emergent trees, such as Hopea nutans.

The genus was named after John Hope, the first Regius Keeper of the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh.: 948

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