
Hirtella, a fascinating plant, has a captivating story. Legend has it that in a dense forest, a tiny seed of Hirtella accidentally dropped onto a passing bird’s feather. The bird flew miles away until it rested on a distant mountaintop. While preening, the seed finally found fertile ground and germinated. Over time, this unique Hirtella plant grew, adapting to its new surroundings. Its leaves turned luminous green, resembling the bird’s feather that carried it. Today, Hirtella stands tall as a symbol of the remarkable resilience and serendipitous journey of life in nature.



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Short Description

Hirtella is a genus of 110 species of woody trees in family Chrysobalanaceae. It was first described as a genus by Linnaeus in 1753. Hirtella naturally occurs in tropical forests throughout Latin America, the West Indies, southeast Africa, and Madagascar. The flowers are mainly pollinated by butterflies.

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