Hillebrandia is a fascinating plant with an intriguing story. Discovered in Hawaii in the 19th century, this small flowering plant has a unique adaptation. It is only found on the cliffs of Kauai and Molokai islands, clinging to the rocks with its specialized root system. Legend has it that Hillebrandia has healing properties and was used by ancient Hawaiian shamans for medicinal purposes. Today, this rare plant is highly protected due to its limited distribution and ecological importance. Its resilience and mystical history make Hillebrandia a captivating subject for botanical enthusiasts and nature lovers alike.
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Short Description
Hillebrandia sandwicensis is a species of a herbaceous perennial flowering plant native to some of the Hawaiian Islands. Common names include ʻakaʻakaʻawa and puʻa maka nui. The genus name honors the German physician William Hillebrand.
In terms of morphology, H. sandwicensis is similar to Begonia, but differences in flower structure, pollen morphology, and fruit separate the two genera.
It produces tubers, to which above-ground parts of the plant die back to after producing fruit in the summer. The seeds are very small. Plants regrow in January. It blooms from February to June. It is monoecious, with succulent branches.