
Geissois, also known as the Brush Cherry, has an interesting story. Legend has it that this fascinating plant originated from a fallen star. As it touched the ground, a beautiful cherry tree sprouted, with luscious green leaves and small, delicate blossoms. People believed that the fruit of the Geissois possessed magical powers, bringing good luck and prosperity. It became a symbol of hope and dreams. Even today, this enchanting plant continues to captivate hearts with its graceful beauty and mystical origins.



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White Marigold

White Clover

Blue Sage

Short Description

Geissois racemosa wood – MHNT
Geissois is a genus of trees and shrubs in the plant family Cunoniaceae. It includes about 19 species mostly found in New Caledonia, but also in Fiji, Vanuatu, and the Solomon Islands. Leaves are opposite, palmate with 3-9 leaflets, with entire margin (serrate in Geissois hirsuta and juveniles) and intrapetiolar stipules. The inflorescences are simple racemes (trident in Geissois hirsuta) and bottle-brush like. The flowers have four red sepals, lacking petals, with many long red stamens. The fruit is a capsule, the seeds flat and winged. The genus includes several nickel hyperaccumulator (most species occurring on ultramafic rocks) and one aluminum hyperaccumulator, Geissois polyphylla.

Two species from Australia formerly placed in this genus have now been transferred to the genus Karrabina.

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