
The Fouquieriaceae is a fascinating family of plants commonly called the “ocotillo” or “candlewood”. These desert shrubs are known for their slender, spiny stems that can reach up to 20 feet tall and produce brilliant displays of red flowers. Legend has it that the ocotillo was once a beautiful woman who fell in love with the sun. However, when she realized that her love would never be reciprocated, she transformed herself into this plant so that she could always face her beloved sun. This story has been passed down from generation to generation and adds to the mystique of this unique plant.



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Tangerine Calendula

Gold Calendula


Short Description

Fouquieria is a genus of 11 species of desert flowering plants, the sole genus in the family Fouquieriaceae. The genus is native to North America and includes the ocotillo (F. splendens) and the Boojum tree or cirio (F. columnaris). They have semisucculent stems with thinner spikes projecting from them, with leaves on the bases spikes. They are unrelated to cacti and do not look much like them; their stems are proportionately thinner than cactus stems and their leaves are larger.

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