
Once upon a time, the Echium plant embarked on a remarkable journey. It desired to touch the sky with its striking blue flowers. Echium grew tirelessly, stretching its stem taller every day. Its dedication caught the attention of a passing bird, who spread the plant’s seeds far and wide. Echium’s descendants flourished in various corners of the world, mesmerizing all with their vibrant blooms. Legends say that Echium’s determination is manifested in its spiral-shaped pattern, symbolizing growth and resilience. This enchanting tale reminds us to reach for the stars, just like the extraordinary Echium plant.



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Short Description

Echium auberianum
Echium candicans (‘Pride of Madeira’)
Echium judaeum
Echium horridum
Echium rauwolfii
Flowers of Echium hierrense is a species native to El Hierro.
Echium /ˈɛkiəm/ is a genus of flowering plants in the family Boraginaceae that contains about 70 species and several subspecies.

Species of Echium are native to North Africa, mainland Europe to Central Asia, and the Macaronesian islands where the genus reaches its maximum diversity. Twenty-nine species of Echium are endemic to the Canary, Madeira, and Cape Verde archipelagos. The continental species are herbaceous, whereas many of the endemic species of the Macaronesian islands are woody perennial shrubs.

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