
Once upon a time in the lush rainforests of Southeast Asia, there lived a majestic tree called Dipterocarpus. With its towering presence and wide-spreading branches, it stood as a symbol of resilience and endurance. Legend has it that these trees possessed the ability to communicate with each other through a unique network of underground roots.

In an ancient tale, it is believed that during a severe drought, when many plants perished, Dipterocarpus shared its precious water resources with other struggling vegetation. In return, the grateful plants formed an unbreakable bond with Dipterocarpus, creating an ecosystem that thrived even in the harshest conditions.

This fascinating story of selflessness and interconnectedness serves as a reminder of the importance of cooperation and harmony in nature. Dipterocarpus continues to stand as a testament to the wonders of the natural world, captivating all who encounter its enchanting presence.



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Short Description

D. retusus in Köhler
Dipterocarpus is a genus of flowering plants and the type genus of family Dipterocarpaceae.

Dipterocarpus is the third-largest and most diverse genus among the Dipterocarpaceae. The species are well known for timber, but less acknowledged for use in traditional herbal medicine. The genus has about 70 species, occurring in South Asia and Southeast Asia, from Sri Lanka and India to the Philippines. It is an important component of dipterocarp forests. Its generic name comes from Greek and means “two-winged fruits”.

The greatest diversity of Dipterocarpus species occurs on Borneo, with many endemic to the island. The oldest fossil of the genus, and Dipterocarpaceae, is from the latest Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) Intertrappean Beds of India.

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