
Daphniphyllaceae is a fascinating family of plants that has an interesting story. These plants grow mainly in East Asia and South America and are known for their unique leaves, which resemble those of a laurel. Legend has it that Daphniphyllaceae leaves were used by ancient Chinese emperors to make tea that would give them immortality. However, this claim is unfounded, and the plants have no known medicinal properties. Nevertheless, their striking appearance and intriguing mythology continue to make them popular among garden enthusiasts and botanists.



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Short Description

Daphniphyllum is the sole genus in the flowering plant family Daphniphyllaceae and was described as a genus in 1826. The genus includes evergreen shrubs and trees mainly native to east and southeast Asia, but also found in the Indian Subcontinent and New Guinea.

All species in the family are dioecious, that is male and female flowers are borne on different plants. In older classifications the genus was treated in the family Euphorbiaceae.

Daphniphyllum species are eaten by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including the engrailed (Ectropis sp.).

Accepted species

Daphniphyllum atrobadium – Hainan

Daphniphyllum beddomei – Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam

Daphniphyllum borneense – Borneo

Daphniphyllum buchananiifolium – Philippines

Daphniphyllum calycinum – S China, Vietnam

Daphniphyllum celebense – Sulawesi

Daphniphyllum ceramense – Maluku

Daphniphyllum chartaceum – Himalayas, Myanmar

Daphniphyllum dichotomum – Sabah, Sarawak

Daphniphyllum glaucescens – Peninsular Malaysia, Java, Sulawesi, Lesser Sunda Is

Daphniphyllum gracile – Sulawesi, New Guinea, Bismarck

Daphniphyllum griffithianum – Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo, Sumatra

Daphniphyllum himalense – Himalayas, Tibet, Yunnan

Daphniphyllum luzonense – Philippines, Lan Yü

Daphniphyllum macropodum – Japan, S China, Korea

Daphniphyllum majus – Yunnan, Indochina

Daphniphyllum neilgherrense – S India, Sri Lanka

Daphniphyllum papuanum – New Guinea

Daphniphyllum parvifolium – Luzon

Daphniphyllum paxianum – Sichuan, Yunnan, Guanxi, Laos

Daphniphyllum pentandrum – S China, Indochina

Daphniphyllum scortechinii – Perak

Daphniphyllum subverticillatum – Guangdong

Daphniphyllum sumatraense – Sumatra

Daphniphyllum teijsmannii – Japan, Jeju-do, Nansei-shoto

Daphniphyllum timorianum – Timor

Daphniphyllum woodsonianum – Sumatra

Daphniphyllum yunnanense – Yunnan


Daphniphyllum humile Maxim. ex Franch. & Sav. (Daphniphyllum macropodum)

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