
Once upon a time, in a distant land, there existed a unique plant called Crossosoma. Legend has it that this extraordinary plant had the power to grant wishes. People from far and wide would travel to witness its enchanting beauty and seek their heart’s desires. Crossosoma’s vibrant flowers would bloom only at the stroke of midnight and emit a captivating fragrance that ignited the imagination. It is said that those who truly believed in the power of dreams and harbored pure intentions were blessed by the plant, while others wandered away, still in search of their desires.



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Red Sage

Blue Sage


Short Description

Crossosoma is a genus of the plant family Crossosomataceae. It consists of two species of shrubs.

Crossosoma californicum Nutt. is found on the Palos Verdes Peninsula and San Clemente and Santa Catalina islands of California, as well as Guadalupe Island in Baja California.

Crossosoma bigelovii S.Wats. occurs in the deserts of California, Nevada, Arizona, and Baja California.

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