Once upon a time, there was a small village nestled deep in the rainforest. The villagers believed in the magical powers of the Cnestis plant. Legend had it that if one could find the rare Cnestis flower, their deepest wishes would come true. Determined, a young girl named Mia set out on a thrilling adventure. She braved treacherous terrain, encountered wild animals, and faced numerous obstacles. Finally, after days of perseverance, Mia stumbled upon the majestic Cnestis plant. Overwhelmed with joy, she made her wish – for the villagers’ happiness and prosperity. Miraculously, her wish became a reality, and the village flourished. The story of Mia’s courage and the enchanted Cnestis plant became a timeless tale, passed down through generations, inspiring hope and resilience.
Plant some seeds now!
Short Description
Cnestis is a genus of flowering plants belonging to the family Connaraceae.
Its native range is Tropical and Southern Africa to Malesia.
Cnestis bomiensis Lemmens
Cnestis corniculata Lam.
Cnestis ferruginea Vahl ex DC.
Cnestis macrantha Baill.
Cnestis macrophylla Gilg ex G.Schellenb.
Cnestis mannii (Baker) G.Schellenb.
Cnestis mildbraedii Gilg
Cnestis palala (Lour.) Merr.
Cnestis polyphylla Lam.
Cnestis racemosa G.Don
Cnestis uncata Lemmens
Cnestis urens Gilg
Cnestis yangambiensis Louis ex Troupin