
Once upon a time, a Clethra plant blossomed in an enchanted forest. Its captivating fragrance attracted a colony of fairies who believed in its magical powers. They would gather around the Clethra, singing and dancing, spreading joy and love through the forest. However, one day, an evil sorcerer wanted to steal the plant’s essence for his own wicked purposes. The fairies joined forces to protect their beloved Clethra, creating a shield of light to ward off the sorcerer’s spells. Their unity and bravery proved stronger, and the Clethra continued to radiate its enchanting scent, bringing harmony and enchantment to all who encountered it.



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Gold Calendula

White Short Cosmos

Obsidian Bachelor’s Button

Short Description

Clethra alnifolia ‘Ruby spice’
Clethra is a genus of flowering shrubs or small trees described as a genus by Linnaeus in 1753.

Clethra is one of two genera in the family Clethraceae (the other being Purdiaea). The species may be evergreen or deciduous, and all bear flowers in clusters (inflorescences), which correspond to racemes or panicles. The flowers are quite small, white or pinkish, and each bear 5 free petals, numerous stamens, and a 3-chambered seed capsule. The leaves, simple, ovate, and alternate or opposite, bear characteristic stellate hairs. The seeds are very small and numerous.

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