

Once upon a time, in the world of science, an intriguing story unfolded around a tiny plant called Arabidopsis. With its humble appearance, Arabidopsis captivated researchers’ minds as they discovered its genetic secrets. Like a detective, Arabidopsis unveiled the mysteries of plant development and adaptation, unlocking the keys to traits such as flower formation and […]

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The fascinating story of Capsella plant dates back centuries. Legend has it that Capsella, also known as Shepherd’s Purse, got its intriguing name from a shepherd who discovered its medicinal properties. Over time, people noticed that this unassuming plant could stop bleeding and heal wounds. It became a symbol of hope and resilience. Throughout history,

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Thlaspi, commonly known as pennycress, has an interesting story behind it. Legend has it that centuries ago, a group of brave explorers stumbled upon a field full of pennies buried in the ground. Curious about this phenomenon, they decided to investigate further. As they dug deeper, they discovered tiny plants with captivating silver leaves shaped

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Brassicaceae, also known as the mustard family, has an interesting story. The family includes over 4,000 species of flowering plants, including popular vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, and kale. But the most fascinating member of the family is Arabidopsis thaliana, a small flowering plant that has become a model organism for genetics research. Arabidopsis is so

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Myosotis, commonly known as Forget-Me-Not, has an interesting story. Legend has it that in the Garden of Eden, as Adam and Eve were leaving, they heard the voice of God calling out the names of all the plants. Curious, Eve pleaded with God to not forget these delicate blue flowers. In response, God named them

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Once upon a time, the Echium plant embarked on a remarkable journey. It desired to touch the sky with its striking blue flowers. Echium grew tirelessly, stretching its stem taller every day. Its dedication caught the attention of a passing bird, who spread the plant’s seeds far and wide. Echium’s descendants flourished in various corners

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Symphytum, commonly known as comfrey, has an interesting story rooted in its rich history. Its name is derived from the Greek word “sympho” meaning “together” and “phyton” meaning “plant.” Legend has it that during medieval times, comfrey was a sought-after remedy for various ailments due to its healing properties. It was believed that the plant

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Once upon a time, a tiny Anchusa seed landed in a lush meadow. Determined to thrive, it faced challenges of various weather conditions. Despite harsh storms and scorching heat, the little plant persevered and grew into a vibrant flower. Its vivid blue petals mesmerized all who passed by. People believed that gazing at Anchusa brought

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Boraginaceae是一個非常有趣的植物科系。它包括許多受人喜愛的植物,如勿忘我和矢車菊。故事的一部分可以追溯到古希臘神話中的一個角色,在他追逐逝去的心愛人時,意外摔下了懸崖,而他的淚水則變成了藍色的勿忘我花朵。這種美麗的花在Boraginaceae科中廣泛分佈,成為了眾多國家的國花。這個故事向我們傳遞了一個美麗的訊息,就是愛情和記憶是永恒的。 Picture Plant some seeds now! Tangerine Calendula Blue Bachelor’s Button Obsidian Bachelor’s Button Short Description Boraginaceae, the borage or forget-me-not family, includes about 2,000 species of shrubs, trees, and herbs in 146 to 156 genera with a worldwide distribution. The APG IV system from 2016 classifies the Boraginaceae as single family of the order

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Once upon a time, deep in the rainforests of South America, there lived a tiny plant called Bonnetia. Many believed it possessed magical powers. Legend has it that anyone who held a Bonnetia leaf would be granted good fortune for the rest of their lives. People from far and wide traveled to find this mystical

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