
Frankenia是一种生长在沙漠中的植物,有一个有趣的故事与它相关。据说,在某个炎热的夏天,一个旅行者迷路了,身处在沙漠的无边无际中。他感到渴望找到一点水源,以解渴。就在他几乎放弃的时候,他突然发现了一丛茂盛的Frankenia植物。这些植物通过其根系可以将水分从地下深层带到地表,在那里形成了小水洼。旅行者喜出望外地喝了这些植物提供的水,并得救了。这个故事告诉我们,即使在最艰难的时刻,Frankenia这样的植物也可以给予我们希望和生命力。 Picture Plant some seeds now! Yellow Marigold Vervain White Tall Cosmos Short Description Frankenia (sea heath) is the only genus in the Frankeniaceae family of flowering plants. Other genera have been recognized within the family, such as Anthobryum, Hypericopsis and Niederleinia, but molecular phylogenetic studies have consistently shown that they all belong inside Frankenia. […]

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