

Cornus is a genus of plants that includes the popular Cornus florida, or flowering dogwood. Interestingly, legend has it that these trees sprung from the blood of a warrior. According to the story, a fierce battle took place, and the warrior’s blood soaked the ground. In his honor, the blood turned into beautiful flowering trees, […]

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The intriguing story of Alangium, a unique plant, dates back centuries. Legends reveal that its rare and vibrant flowers possess magical healing properties. They were sought after by ancient tribes who believed they could cure any ailment. As the plant’s fame spread, it captured the attention of explorers and scientists, who embarked on quests to

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Cornaceae is a fascinating plant family with an interesting story. Legend has it that once upon a time, an old man had a dream in which he saw a plant with a red fruit that he had never seen before. He searched for the plant but could not find it until he met a beautiful

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