

Once upon a time, there was a mischievous Impatiens plant named Petunia. She resided in a beautiful garden, surrounded by other flower friends. Petunia had a unique ability – she could predict the weather accurately! The other plants were astonished by her talent and often sought her advice. One day, a severe storm was about […]

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Once upon a time, in the mystical land of Hydrocera, there was a peculiar plant known for its unique abilities. This plant, aptly named Hydrocera, had the extraordinary power to bloom underwater. Its vibrant flowers would gracefully emerge beneath the surface, captivating all who saw them. Legend has it that these blossoms possessed magical healing

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Balsaminaceae是一個有趣的科,主要包括了秋海棠屬和楊桃屬的植物。這個科的故事很吸引人,其中有一個關鍵角色是秋海棠屬的Balsamina hortensis,也被稱為維多利亞秋海棠。在19世紀,維多利亞秋海棠成為了歐洲花園的熱門植物,因為它美麗而豐富的花朵。人們尤其喜歡種植這種花來裝飾花瓶和室內空間。然而,有趣的是,這種花只能自交,無法進行雜交,這導致了種群的遺傳多樣性減少。儘管如此,人們仍然對維多利亞秋海棠情有獨鍾,這使得它成為了Balsaminaceae科中的一個引人注目的物種。 Picture Plant some seeds now! White Bachelor’s Button Blue Bachelor’s Button Multi-Colored Short Cosmos Short Description The Balsaminaceae (commonly known as the balsam family) are a family of dicotyledonous plants, comprising two genera: Impatiens, which consists of over 1000 species, and Hydrocera, consisting of 1 species. The flowering plants may be annual or

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