
Once upon a time, there was a unique plant called Carica. Carica had a special ability to change colors according to people’s emotions. Whenever someone was happy, Carica would turn vibrant green, filling the air with joy. However, if someone was sad, it would shed blue tears, offering comfort. People marveled at Carica’s ability and came from far and wide to witness its enchanting transformation. Carica brought unity and empathy among people, teaching them to embrace their emotions. Its story touched hearts globally, reminding everyone of the power of understanding and connection.



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Dwarf Orange Marigold

Yellow Marigold

White Short Cosmos

Short Description

Carica is a genus of flowering plants in the family Caricaceae including the papaya (C. papaya syn. C. peltata, C. posoposa), a widely cultivated fruit tree native to the American tropics.

The genus was formerly treated as including about 20-25 species of short-lived evergreen pachycaul shrubs or small trees growing to 5–10 m tall, native to tropical Central and South America, but recent genetic evidence has resulted in all of these species other than C. papaya being reclassified into three other genera.

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