
Once upon a time, in a tranquil pond, there lived a peculiar plant named Cabomba. It was known for its vibrant green color and delicate, feathery leaves. Cabomba had a dream to explore the world beyond the pond. One day, a mischievous turtle came by and accidentally uprooted Cabomba, carrying it away downstream. Fearful yet excited, Cabomba embarked on an unexpected adventure. Along the way, it encountered curious fish, playful frogs, and graceful swans. Eventually, Cabomba found itself in a beautiful garden where it settled, becoming a symbol of resilience and beauty. This story teaches us that sometimes, the most extraordinary journeys come from unexpected beginnings.



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Gold Calendula

White Tall Cosmos


Short Description

Cabomba is an aquatic plant genus, one of two belonging to the family Cabombaceae. It has divided submerged leaves in the shape of a fan (hence the vernacular name fanwort) and is much favoured by aquarists as an ornamental and oxygenating plant for fish tanks. One species, Cabomba caroliniana, is a nationally declared weed in Australia, where it has choked up waterways after escaping from aquaria.

Submerged leaf of Cabomba caroliniana A.Gray with scale bar (2 cm) on a white background

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