
Butomaceae are a highly interesting family of aquatic plants. One of the most fascinating stories about this family is how they were once used to predict the weather. According to ancient folklore, Butomaceae would close their flowers before an impending storm or rainy weather, making them useful for predicting the weather. Butomaceae also have a fascinating distribution around the world, with some species found in Africa, Asia, Europe, and Australia. They are vital components of wetland ecosystems and play an important role in water purification. Despite their interesting history and ecological significance, many Butomaceae species are now threatened by habitat loss and pollution.



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Gold Calendula

Pink Columbine

Dwarf Orange Marigold

Short Description

Butomus umbellatus

Butomus is the only known genus in the plant family Butomaceae, native to Europe and Asia. It is considered invasive in some parts of the United States.

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