
The Bonnetiaceae family has an interesting story. These trees are found in tropical regions and produce large, intricate flowers. They were first discovered in 1809 by French botanist Aimé Bonpland and named after his friend, French naturalist Charles Bonnet. However, they remained largely unknown until the 1990s when researchers discovered that these trees are important hosts for various species of butterflies in the Amazon rainforest. The butterflies lay their eggs on the leaf surface of the Bonnetiaceae, and the larvae feed on the leaves. This unique relationship highlights the importance of plant-animal interactions in maintaining the delicate balance of ecosystems.



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Short Description

Boonneticae is a family of flowering plants, consisting of 4 genera and 41 species. The family is Neotropical, with the exception of the genus Ploiarium, which is found in Malesia. It is sister to the family Clusiaceae.

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