Once upon a time, there was a unique plant named Barbeyella. Known for its vibrant colors and intricate patterns, Barbeyella captured the attention of all who encountered it. Legend has it that the plant possessed a magical ability to bring good luck to those who nurtured it with love and care. People from far and wide sought to obtain Barbeyella, hoping to benefit from its mystical powers. As its popularity grew, so did the demand, leading to a worldwide frenzy. However, only a select few were able to find and cultivate Barbeyella successfully, and they cherished its presence in their lives. The story of Barbeyella serves as a reminder of the beauty and wonder that can be found in nature’s creations, as long as we appreciate and protect them.

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Short Description
Barbeyella minutissima is a slime mould species of the order Echinosteliales, and the only species of the genus Barbeyella. First described in 1914 from the Jura mountains, its habitat is restricted to montane spruce and spruce-fir forests of the Northern Hemisphere, where it has been recorded from Asia, Europe, and North America. It typically colonises slimy, algae-covered logs that have lost their bark and have been partially to completely covered by liverworts. The sporangia are roughly spherical, up to 0.2 mm in diameter, and supported by a thin stalk up to 0.7 mm tall. After the spores have developed, the walls of the sporangia split open into lobes. The species is one of the smallest members of the Myxogastria and is considered rare.