Atherospermataceae is a fascinating family of flowering plants that originated in the southern hemisphere. It is believed that the oldest fossil record of this family dates back to the Cretaceous period, about 120 million years ago. Interestingly, Atherospermataceae has a unique distribution pattern across different continents, with some species found in South America, Africa, and Australia. This unusual distribution is thought to be the result of continental drift and migration of plant species through Antarctica. Despite facing various environmental challenges, Atherospermataceae has managed to survive and adapt to changing climates over millions of years, making it a testament to the resilience and diversity of nature.

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Short Description
The Atherospermataceae, commonly known as the southern sassafrases, are a family of broadleaf evergreen trees and shrubs. The family includes 14 species in seven genera. The atherosperms are today mostly distributed in the Southern Hemisphere, with two species native to southern Chile and 12 species native to Australasia. Wood is commercially harvested from rainforest species of this family, and is used both in construction and in fine cabinet making.