The Asarum plant has an intriguing story. Legends say that it acquired its unique shape from a mischievous nymph named Asarum, who was punished by the gods. Unable to escape her misfortune, she took the form of this plant as a symbol of her transformation. The leaves, shaped like hearts, reflect her eternal longing for freedom. Its vibrant purple flowers, resembling tiny umbrellas, represent the shelter she sought. This captivating story adds an enchanting element to the Asarum plant, making it a beloved symbol of resilience and beauty in nature.
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Short Description
Asarum is a genus of plants in the birthwort family Aristolochiaceae, commonly known as wild ginger.
Asarum is the genitive plural of the Latin āsa (an alternate form of āra) meaning altar or sanctuary.
Asarum is a genus of low-growing herbs distributed across the temperate zones of the Northern Hemisphere, with most species in East Asia (China, Japan, and Vietnam) and North America, and one species in Europe. Biogeographically, Asarum originated in Asia.
They have characteristic kidney-shaped leaves, growing from creeping rhizomes, and bear small, axillary, brown or reddish flowers.