The intriguing story of Alangium, a unique plant, dates back centuries. Legends reveal that its rare and vibrant flowers possess magical healing properties. They were sought after by ancient tribes who believed they could cure any ailment. As the plant’s fame spread, it captured the attention of explorers and scientists, who embarked on quests to discover its secrets. Over time, Alangium became a symbol of resilience and hope, surviving in harsh environments. Today, this extraordinary plant continues to captivate botanists and nature lovers alike, reminding us of the wonders that lie within the natural world.
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Short Description
Alangium salviifolium.
Alangium is a small genus of flowering plants. The genus is included either in a broad view of the dogwood family Cornaceae, or as the sole member of its own family Alangiaceae. Alangium has about 40 species, but some of the species boundaries are not entirely clear. The type species for Alangium is Alangium decapetalum, which is now treated as a subspecies of Alangium salviifolium. All of the species are shrubs or small trees, except the liana Alangium kwangsiense. A. chinense, A. platanifolium, and A. salviifolium are known in cultivation.
Fruits of alangium