
Francoa, also known as Bridal Wreath, has an intriguing story behind its name. Legend has it that a young couple’s love blossomed under a beautiful flowering plant called Francoa. They decided to tie the knot amidst its delicate white blooms, declaring their eternal love. Amazed by their devotion, the gods transformed the plant into Francoa in honor of their union. Since then, this enchanting flower has symbolized everlasting love and serves as a reminder of the power of love and commitment.



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Short Description

Francoa is a genus of flowering plants in the family Francoaceae, which consists of herbaceous perennials endemic to Chile. Plants may grow up to one metre high and produce basal clumps of round, deeply lobed, dark green, fuzzy leaves with winged leafstalks. Compact racemes of small, cup-shaped flowers, which are pink with red markings, appear in summer and early fall.

Plants of the world online recognise this genus as monotypic, with Francoa appendiculata as the only species. The Catalogue of the vascular plants of Chile recognise the varieties Francoa appendiculata Cav. var. appendiculata, Francoa appendiculata Cav. var. ramosa (D. Don) Rolfe and Francoa appendiculata Cav. var. sonchifolia (Cav.) Rolfe.

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