
Once upon a time, the Paepalanthus plant captivated the world with its fascinating story. Legend has it that this unique plant possesses magical properties. It is said that touching its delicate petals brings good fortune and grants wishes. People from far and wide would embark on journeys to seek out this mystical plant, hoping to have their dreams fulfilled. However, they soon discovered that Paepalanthus only bloomed under a full moon, making it an elusive treasure. The plant’s allure continued to tantalize, reminding us that sometimes, the most extraordinary things can only be found when the stars align.



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Short Description

Paepalanthus is a genus of plants in the family Eriocaulaceae. The genus is largely restricted to the campos rupestres of the Espinhaço Range and adjacent mountains, with few species in the Serra da Mantiqueira complex, restingas of the coast of Brazil, and a disjunct distribution (Paepalanthus subg. Platycaulon) in the Andean paramo.

In 2023, the most extensive study of the genus was published with molecular analyzes and new morphological data, along with the broadest sampling of inflorescences in the family. Since then, the genus has been recognized as monophyletic with 257 species.

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