
Once upon a time, there was a magical plant named Elaeocarpus. It could dance to the sound of the wind and could change its color according to its mood. One day, a young botanist discovered this extraordinary plant in a hidden forest. Fascinated by its abilities, she decided to study and protect it. As their bond grew, Elaeocarpus revealed a secret power to her – it could grant wishes. With this newfound ability, they traveled the world, spreading joy and granting wishes to those in need. Their adventures became legendary, transforming lives and bringing happiness wherever they went. The tale of Elaeocarpus reminds us that even in the smallest of plants, great magic can be found.



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Dwarf Yellow Marigold

Yellow Marigold

Purple Lythrum

Short Description

Elaeocarpus is a genus of nearly five hundred species of flowering plants in the family Elaeocarpaceae native to the Western Indian Ocean, Tropical and Subtropical Asia, and the Pacific. Plants in the genus Elaeocarpus are trees or shrubs with simple leaves, flowers with four or five petals usually, and usually blue fruit.

Elaeocarpus sylvestris fruits
Elaeocarpus dentatus foliage
Elaeocarpus grandiflorus flowers, at Munnar
Elaeocarpus tuberculatus
Pulvina at both ends of the petiole. Elaeocarpus multiflorus


Plants in the genus Elaeocarpus are mostly evergreen trees or shrubs, a few are epiphytes or lianes, and some are briefly deciduous. The leaves are arranged alternately, simple (strictly compound with only one leaflet) with a swelling where the petiole meets the lamina, often have toothed edges, usually have prominent veins and often turn red before falling. The flowers are usually arranged in a raceme, usually bisexual, have four or five sepals and petals and many stamens. The petals usually have finely-divided, linear lobes. The fruit is a oval to spherical drupe that is usually blue, sometimes black, with a sculptured endocarp.

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