
Doryanthes, also known as the Gymea Lily, has an interesting story behind its name. Legend has it that Captain Arthur Phillip, the first Governor of New South Wales, encountered this striking plant during his exploration of Australia. He was so captivated by its vibrant red flowers that he named it after his friend, Doryanthes, who had saved his life during a shipwreck. This unique connection between friendship and survival adds a touch of romance to the story of the Doryanthes, making it a cherished symbol of resilience and friendship in Australian folklore.



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Short Description

Doryanthes is the sole genus in the flowering plant family Doryanthaceae. The genus consists of two species, D. excelsa (gymea lily) and D. palmeri (giant spear lily), both endemic natives of the coast of Eastern Australia. Doryanthaceae is part of the order Asparagales (the asparagoid lilies).

Plants grow in a rosette form, only flowering after more than 10 years. They enjoy a warm environment, good soil, and much water during the warmest time of the year.

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