
Dirachmaceae is a family of plants that may not be well-known to many people, but it has an interesting story. These plants are found in the Arabian desert and have adapted to the harsh environment there. They have an unusual way of reproducing – instead of relying on pollinators, they self-pollinate by producing flowers that can fertilize themselves.

In addition, some species of Dirachmaceae have a remarkable ability to survive extreme heat and drought. They can go dormant during long periods of dryness and spring back to life when conditions are more favorable. These unique adaptations have allowed Dirachmaceae to thrive in a habitat that is inhospitable to many other types of plants.



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Short Description

Dirachma is the sole genus of the family Dirachmaceae. The genus had been monotypic, its sole species being the woody plant Dirachma socotrana, until a second, herbaceous, species, Dirachma somalensis, was discovered in Somalia and described in 1991.

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