
Caryocar, a unique tropical plant, has an intriguing tale to tell. Legend has it that the deep red fruits of Caryocar possess mystical powers. It is believed that consuming these fruits grants immortality, eternal youth, and even the ability to understand the language of animals. Locals speak of a daring adventurer who journeyed into the heart of the forest in search of these magical fruits. Guided by indigenous tribes, he braved treacherous terrain and encountered wild beasts. After weeks of perseverance, he stumbled upon a hidden grove of Caryocar trees. Filled with awe, he consumed a ripe fruit and underwent a remarkable transformation. Forever changed, he became the protector of this precious plant, ensuring its preservation for generations to come.



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Short Description

Caryocar (souari trees) is a genus of flowering plants, in the South American family Caryocaraceae described as a genus by Linnaeus in 1771. It is native primarily to South America with a few species extending into Central America and the West Indies.

Caryocar consists of trees that yield a strong timber. Some of the species within the genus Caryocar have edible fruits, called souari-nuts or sawarri-nuts. The most well-known species is probably the Pekea-nut (C. nuciferum). In Brazil the Pequi (C. brasiliense) is most popular; it has a variety of uses, not the least among them being the production of pequi oil. Furthermore, some species are used by indigenous peoples to produce poisons for hunting.


Caryocar amygdaliferum Mutis – Colombia, Panama

Caryocar amygdaliforme G.Don – Ecuador, N Peru

Caryocar brasiliense A.St.-Hil. – Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay

Caryocar coriaceum Wittm. – N Brazil

Caryocar costaricense Donn.Sm. – Costa Rica

Caryocar cuneatum Wittm. – Brazil

Caryocar dentatum Gleason – NW Brazil, Bolivia

Caryocar edule Casar. – Bahia, Rio de Janeiro

Caryocar glabrum (Aubl.) Pers. – French Guiana, Suriname, Guyana, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil

Caryocar microcarpum Ducke – Lesser Antilles, French Guiana, Suriname, Guyana, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil, Bolivia

Caryocar montanum Prance – Guyana, Bolívar, Roraima

Caryocar nuciferum L. – Pekea-nut, Butter-nut of Guinea – St. Kitts, St. Vincent, French Guiana, Suriname, Guyana, Venezuela, N Brazil

Caryocar pallidum A.C.Sm. – NW Brazil, S Venezuela, Bolivia

Caryocar villosum (Aubl.) Pers. – French Guiana, Venezuela, N Brazil, Colombia

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