
Once upon a time, there was a mischievous Lobelia plant named Milo. Milo loved to play pranks on the other plants in the garden. One sunny morning, he decided to hide all the watering cans, causing chaos among the thirsty flowers. However, his fun soon backfired when a heavy rainstorm hit the garden, leaving Milo stranded in a puddle. The other plants came to his rescue, realizing that they needed each other to survive. From then on, Milo learned the importance of unity and friendship, and together, they all created a beautiful and harmonious garden.



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White Bachelor’s Button

Yellow Bachelor’s Button

Red Sage

Short Description

Lobelia erinus in an alpine border
Lobelia (/loʊˈbiːliə, lə-/) is a genus of flowering plants comprising 415 species, with a subcosmopolitan distribution primarily in tropical to warm temperate regions of the world, a few species extending into cooler temperate regions. They are known generally as lobelias.

Lobelia boninensis


The genus Lobelia comprises a substantial number of large and small annual, perennial and shrubby species, hardy and tender, from a variety of habitats, in a range of colours. Many species appear totally dissimilar from each other. However, all have simple, alternate leaves and two-lipped tubular flowers, each with five lobes. The upper two lobes may be erect while the lower three lobes may be fanned out. Flowering is often abundant and the flower colour intense, hence their popularity as ornamental garden subjects.

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