
Once upon a time, there was a plant named Ferocactus. It was known for its unique appearance and spiky exterior. Legend has it that Ferocactus possessed magical powers that could grant wishes to anyone who could successfully navigate its thorny surface. Many adventurers attempted to reach its center, but only a few succeeded. One brave and determined individual, with a pure heart, managed to pass through the prickly obstacles and made a selfless wish. As a result, Ferocactus transformed into a magnificent flowering cactus, spreading beauty and joy in its surroundings. This remarkable tale reminds us of the power of perseverance and the rewards of selflessness.



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Short Description

Ferocactus cylindraceus, Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, Nevada, USA
Ferocactus echidne
Ferocactus is a genus of large barrel-shaped cacti, mostly with large spines and small flowers. There are about 30 species included in the genus. They are found in the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico.


The young specimens are columnar but as they grow older ribs form and they take on a barrel form. Most of the species are solitary but some, such as Ferocactus robustus and F. glaucescens, have clustering habits. The flowers are pink, yellow, red or purple depending on the species, and the petals sometimes have a stripe of a darker colour.


In cultivation Ferocactus require full sun, little water, and good drainage. They are popular as houseplants. They cannot tolerate freezing temperatures for extended periods, which typically cause them to yellow, bleach, then slowly die. Propagation is usually from seeds, but clustering species such as Ferocactus robustus and F. glaucescens can be propagated by removing a rooted offset and planting it.

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