
Burmannia, also known as the “lantern flower,” has an intriguing story. Legend has it that these plants were bestowed with magical powers by ancient spirits. In moonlit nights, their delicate flowers emit a soft glowing light, illuminating the surroundings. This ethereal phenomenon draws curious travelers who seek its enchanting beauty. As the story goes, those who witness the lantern flowers’ radiance are blessed with good fortune and eternal happiness. Today, people from all over the world embark on journeys to catch a glimpse of these mystical plants, hoping to experience the magic for themselves. Burmannia truly captures the essence of wonder and fascination within nature.



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Red Sage

Purple Lythrum


Short Description

Burmannia is a genus of flowering plants long thought of as related to orchids, although more recent studies suggest closer affinities with either the Dioscoreales or the Melanthiales. The plants are herbs, partially autotrophic (photosynthetic) but also partially parasitic on soil fungi.

Burmannia is native to tropical and subtropical parts of Africa, eastern Asia, Australia, and the Western Hemisphere. Three are regarded as native to the US:

The name Burmannia is a taxonomic patronym honoring the Dutch botanist Johannes Burman (1706 – 1779).

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