
Once upon a time, in a hidden rainforest, there lived the Gymnosiphon plant. This intriguing plant had a unique survival technique – it mimicked the scent of decaying flesh to attract flies for pollination. The Gymnosiphon became the talk of the botanical world due to its peculiar strategy. Researchers discovered that it not only fooled flies but also carnivorous plants which were lured by the scent. These alliances benefited both sides, as the carnivorous plants received extra nutrients while the Gymnosiphon plant received protection. It was a remarkable example of nature’s ingenious and unexpected collaborations.



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Short Description

Gymnosiphon (yellowseed) is a genus of monocotyledonous flowering plants from the yam order. Like most of the other members of the family in which the plant is placed (Burmanniaceae), Gymnosiphon is entirely myco-heterotrophic genus that does not contain chlorophyll and respectively does not perform photosynthesis.

Gymnosiphon is distributed across the moist, tropical regions of Asia, America and Africa. The plant has very small size and thin stems. Leaves are rudimentary and with appearance like scales or bracts. Its flowers are white in color, pale and solitary or sometimes collected in tiny inflorescences of few depending on the species. They are also actinomorphic with three larger outer tepals and three more inner and smaller ones.

Phylogenetically Gymnosiphon is placed in the clade of Burmanniaceae sensu stricto.


Gymnosiphon affinis – New Guinea

Gymnosiphon afro-orientalis – SC Africa

Gymnosiphon aphyllus – Taiwan, SE Asia, New Guinea, Micronesia

Gymnosiphon bekensis – C Africa

Gymnosiphon brachycephalus – Panama, NW S America

Gymnosiphon breviflorus – Costa Rica, Panama, N South America

Gymnosiphon capitatus – Guyana, NW Brazil

Gymnosiphon constrictus – Gabon

Gymnosiphon cymosus – N South America

Gymnosiphon danguyanus – Tanzania, Madagascar

Gymnosiphon divaricatus – S Mexico, Trinidad, C + S America

Gymnosiphon fimbriatus – N South America

Gymnosiphon guianensis – Guyana, Suriname

Gymnosiphon longistylus – C + W Africa

Gymnosiphon marieae – Madagascar

Gymnosiphon minahassae – Sulawesi

Gymnosiphon minutus – Costa Rica, N South America

Gymnosiphon neglectus – Java

Gymnosiphon niveus – West Indies

Gymnosiphon okamotoi – Palau in Micronesia

Gymnosiphon oliganthus – NE Papua New Guinea

Gymnosiphon panamensis – from Veracruz to Panama

Gymnosiphon papuanus – New Guinea, Sulawesi, Palau

Gymnosiphon pauciflorus – New Guinea

Gymnosiphon recurvatus – Guyana

Gymnosiphon samoritoureanus – Guinea, Liberia

Gymnosiphon sphaerocarpus – Pernambuco, West Indies

Gymnosiphon suaveolens – Mexico, C + S America

Gymnosiphon tenellus – Jamaica, C America, NW S America

Gymnosiphon usambaricus – Kenya, Tanzania

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