Thlaspi, commonly known as pennycress, has an interesting story behind it. Legend has it that centuries ago, a group of brave explorers stumbled upon a field full of pennies buried in the ground. Curious about this phenomenon, they decided to investigate further. As they dug deeper, they discovered tiny plants with captivating silver leaves shaped like coins. These magical plants soon became known as Thlaspi or pennycress. The locals believed that these plants brought good fortune and prosperity to whoever cultivated them. Today, Thlaspi continues to fascinate gardeners and nature enthusiasts with its unique appearance and mythical origins.
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Short Description
Thlaspi, or pennycress, is a genus of herbs of temperate regions of the Eurasian continent. They occur in Central and South Europe, South-West Asia and two species are endemic to China. The Thlaspi has been proven to be a hyperaccumulator of heavy metals such as zinc and cadmium and therefore may be used in phytoremediation initiatives.